Today's Birthday
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Our School

Dr. Sanjay Kapoor

Our Vision


From the desk of Principal

The school is affiliated to CBSE (Central Board of Secondary Education) and has three streams i.e. Science (PCM & PCB), Commerce (B.St., Accountancy, Economics) & Humanities (History, Economics, Sociology/Political Science) with English & Optional subjects (Python / Kathak / Tabla / Hindustani Music / P.Ed. / Painting / Mathematics) on its curriculum, for both boys and girls from class VI to class XII. The school strives to maintain excellence in Academics, so that in today's competitive world the students may be able to proceed to institutions of higher learning of their Choice, in India and abroad.
Thought of the Day
I am a person of integrity. When I promise to do something, I do it (as long as I do not hurt myself or others).-Anonymous
Sports in KDMA
KDMA lays special emphasis on sports activities. Sports can be instrumental in de-stressing the minds of children and help in good physical development of the bodies. We encourage every child at KDMA to participate in games of his or her choice to develop the thrill of adventure, spirit to win, to learn to accept defeat and to rise and fight again. We believe that children having true sportsmanship develop into fine leaders of the future. A healthy mind resides in a healthy body and this can be achieved by means of sports. We encourage our students to participate whole heartedly in sporting activities enabling them to learn about the importance of teamwork, fair play and to imbibe a positive approach towards life.